Exhibitons 2024

I May Not React Much, but I Follow Everything / West Point 2024

White Unicorn Gallery in Klatovy
27. 1. - 31. 3. 2024

Cesta 2024

Klenová Grannary
24. 3. - 26. 5. 2024

Traces in the sand

Chateau Klenová
24. 3. - 19. 5. 2024

Václav Kopecký / Always Now

Burgrave’s house at Klenová castle
24. 3. - 26. 5. 20024

Jan Zdvořák / BITTE GEH WEG

Church of Saint Lawrence in Klatovy
13. 4. – 9. 6. 2024

Marek Meduna / The Ownership of Yesterday

White Unicorn Gallery in Klatovy
6. 4. – 2. 6. 2024