18. 6. - 6. 8. 2017

Eva Monhartová, Spartakus
The Granary at Klenová hosts The Two Banks of the River Lethe / The Message of Charon, a comprehensive exhibition of works by members of the P 89 art group. This unique retrospective exhibition takes a look at the work of a group of Pilsen-based artists who have influenced artistic life in western Bohemia's largest city and the surrounding region. The exhibition focuses on honoring the group's founders, its mission, and the ways in which its members have influenced one another and have shared their artistic inventiveness while remaining open to new influences over a period of 25 years.
The exhibition is divided into three section, starting with the work of P 89's founders: Karel Frauknecht, Jiří Patera, and Miroslav Tázler. The second section features those artists who have already floated off on Charon's boat: Jindřich Bílek, Alena Burešová, Ladislav Fládr, Miloš Franče, Milan Vendi Hůrka, Bronislav Losenický, Bohumil Sedláček, and Zdeněk Živný. And the third group consists of contemporary artists who are continuing the group's activities: Renata Drahotová, Milan Ďuriš, Petr Kutek, Milena Kutková, Květa Monhartová, Jaromír Nedorost, Miroslava Nová, Naděžda Potůčková, Jiří Rataj, Dana Raunerová, Jan Souček, Miroslav Tázler, Jr., and Helena Vendová. The works are exhibited alongside poems by Josef Hrubý.
The retrospective look back at the history of P 89 at the Klenová granary is a nostalgic reminder of the adventurous years of the group's birth and its journey in the footsteps of its predecessors, surrounded by the essence of being and with new inspiration from the existing world.